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Children Full of Life

A deeply moving and inspiring video: A wise friend said: "I love the way the teacher said when you share/empathize, then you have that person living with you in your heart."

EFT Script: Changing Universe

One of my clients commented, "No matter how good I have been, I still get punished!" This pattern often stems from underlying beliefs such as "Life is not fair!", or "It is not safe to love/to be happy/to be good". As my client and I tapped through her beliefs, a thought that we all are free to change Universes bubbled up. It was such an a-ha moment! One where you shout, "of course!" What a liberating and delicious thought it is to consider that we can easily change Universes to a new one that fits us better. Who would have thunk it, eh? Here's a sample EFT script to free yourself from old patterns by changing your universe. Think of a pattern you'd like to let go of, and tap along the script below. In this script, I use the aforementioned pattern which troubled my client as an example. Tapping on the Karate Chop or rubbing on the Sore Spot, say the following Setup Statement either aloud or in your mind. "Even though no mat

Winter Wish

May you have no barriers in your heart. May all that flows your way bathe you in loving kindness. May all that flows through you nourish others with loving kindness. May you know the gift of the open heart. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


"Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix." ~ Christina Baldwin Here autumn comes -- the changing colors of leaves, the pale sunlight, the chills in the air, the leaf-dropping breeze, and rainfall that nourishes the earth. Mother earth is again changing her cloak. She looks so beautiful! Changes take place in life all the time. Life is growth, therefore its nature is to change. Since we are part of life, we are part of the flow of change itself. To me, change is to leave the old behind and welcome the new into our lives. I think suffering comes from resisting the natural rythms and changes inherent in our own unique flow, our own unique imprint of divine life-force. When change comes knocking in your life, open your door and welcome it! Let go of the old thoughts and patterns, welcome the new seeds of hope and follow your own heart's bidding for more growth. Give yourself the chance to see who you are becoming! Wishing y

Cultivating Faith in Yourself

(This article was first published in December 2006 Metta Center Newsletter.) Coming to have faith in myself has been quite a discovery process for me. It has been, and still is, very enlightening, sometimes frustrating and always very fulfilling. I have learned to cultivate self-faith in these various ways: Clear the fearful thoughts/perspectives whenever I recognize and feel them. I meditate on the thoughts and release them to Light to transmute the energy, or use EFT, TAT, Reiki or Angel Healing work to shift the thought patterns. I also reframe my thoughts by choosing different and more empowering thoughts. When I find that I am doubting myself, I focus on the various ways I have come through for myself or others in the past. Here, I practice being aware of my self-talk, and change the pattern from being self-critical to self-supportive. When we remember own past resourcefulness, we remind ourselves of the capacity we have but have forgotten (or didn't give ourselves cred

Breathing Meditation 2

This simple breathing meditation is profoundly easy to do, deeply relaxing and can be very transformative. Breathing is an activity that we do both unconsciously and consciously. Like our heart that beats without our conscious control, our breathing is mostly under the control of our unconscious mind. Unlike our heartbeat that we have no control over, we can influence our breathing to some degree, both the depth and the frequency of the breaths. To do this simple meditation: Drink a cup of water. Find a comfortable place where you can be comfortable and undisturbed for 10 to 15 minutes. Close your eyes, and either lie down or sit down in a relaxed manner. Your spine must be straight and at-ease. Allow yourself to breath in gently and softly. Before you exhale, take in a little more breath. This gently expands your breathing capacity. Each time you practice this expansion process, increase this additional inhalation slightly. Do not force yourself to expand your inhalation in

What is Self Realization?

By Paramhansa Yogananda in "The Essence of Self-Realization".   Self-realization means realizing your true Self as the great ocean of Spirit, by breaking the delusion that you are this little ego, this little human body and personality... The wave must realize that its reality, as a mere wave, is temporary. It may appear again and again as other waves, but in the end it has to realize that its reality lies not in its separateness as a wave, but in the ocean of which the wave is a manifestation. Realization of its true identity demands merging into the ocean and becoming one with it.

We All Have a Space Here

(This article was first published in September 2006 Metta Center Newsletter.) Recently, on a labyrinth walk at Sibley Regional Park in Oakland, I received a profound insight from Mother Earth that I would love to share with you. As I walk inwardly toward the center of the labyrinth, I noticed a yellow jacket buzzing around me. At first, I was apologetic to it. I said I was sorry that I was bothering it. When the insect still buzzed around me, I started to feel angry and told it to buzz off itself. Then, I started wondering if there was a "better", different, way to respond than the ways I had responded: either being apologetic to or being upset by this insect. As I thought that question out loud, I heard this thought within me that said, very gently, "We all have a space here." The yellow jacket came back and started buzzing again around me. This time, I quietly said to it "We all have a space here, you and me." Then, to my surprise, the yellow jac

EFT Script: It is Not Safe For Me to Feel Good Enough.

(This EFT script was first published in October 2006 Metta Center Newsletter. If you are not familiar with EFT, you can find a brief introduction to this powerful self-healing technique in my " EFT Tapping Points " webpage. For information regarding EFT trainings, you can visit , , or ) Many of our physical and emotional issues stem from not feeling good enough about ourselves (lack of self-esteem). The interesting thing that I often notice is that, for whatever reasons, the thought of letting go of the feeling of inadequacy is terrifying for many people. Using EFT, let's clear out any anxiety we might have about feeling good enough. Tap on the Karate Chop point or rub on the Sore Spot as you say the following setup statements : "Even though I don't believe it ist safe for me to feel good enough, I might become a different person and I might not know who I am anymore, I choose to accept myself a

Angel Healing: Clearing Cords

I love working with angels and beings of light. They are powerful yet gentle beings. They are willing and happy to help us release difficulties and bringing more peace into our lives. However, because they respect the law of free will, they can't interfere with our lives unless we specifically ask for their assistance. I teach this technique of clearing dysfunctional and imbalanced etheric cords in my Angel Healing workshops. I feel inspired to share with you this easy and effective process to work with the angels. Etheric cords are invisible energetic cords we form with people we are in relationship with. You can envision these cords as telephone lines made of energy. These cords facilitate the movement of energy between people and form a higher means of communication. Cording takes places at an unconscious level. Energetically, you are wired to establish a cord to those you are in relationship with. It doesn’t happen when you just pass a stranger. The exchange of energy is

A Child of Crossing Places

"A Child of Crossing Places." I simply love this phrase! It touches me in such a beautiful and moving way. I first heard this phrase when reading "The Seeing Stone," by Kevin Crossley-Holland. It's a young-adult book, and it's about a young boy named Arthur who is given a magical seeing stone. In the book, “crossing places” refers to places where one aspect of life meets another, such as the shorelines, sunsets or sunrises, butterfly cocoons, seasons, and others. Crossing places are mysterious, full of potential, unpredictable and transformative. Our inner conflicts are like these crossing places: two seemingly different and conflicting forces of interests. Unlike nature, however, we often feel uncomfortable with our “crossing places,” wishing that they were not there. We can learn from nature’s ample examples to help us resolve our inner conflicts gracefully. Instead of having to choose sides or somehow force both sides of our inner battles to work

Encouraging Thoughts

"Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings." ~ Rumi "You are good when you walk to your goal firmly and with bold steps. Yet you are not evil when you go thither limping. Even those who limp go not backward. But you who are strong and swift, see that you do not limp before the lame, deeming it kindness." ~ Kahlil Gibran "Change is created by those whose imaginations are bigger than their circumstances." ~ Unknown source

Nature as Elixir of Peace

(This article was first published in March 2007 Metta Center email newsletter.) Nature has always inspired the feelings of peace and joy in me. However, I haven't always understood the value of spending time in it and accessing the magic it offers. There were times where beautiful days, rain or shine, were presented to me and I didn't even notice because my focus was elsewhere (to past, present and future problems). That was my old habit. One day, it dawned on me that I have this programming to fix all of my problems before I allow myself to be at peace. I realized that this programming had been in place because it was useful at some level. It had kept me from being too lackadaisical and complacent, and from running away from my issues and not dealing with them. So, it served me a great and holy purpose. Since this programming no longer served me, I decided to clear it by first thanking it for its loyal service and send it to the Light for release. Next, I claim my new pro

Miracles of Spring

What a beautiful day it is today! The sky is blue, the blades of grass dancing in the gentle wind, the sun light bouncing off the leaves creating such an ethereal scene in front of me. The birds are singing happily. The rain had nourished the Earth with its liquid joy and blessings of growth. I think flowers are Heaven's messengers on earth reminding us of the delights in life. Just looking at them, I feel all tickled inside, happy and light. Spring is so filled with life renewed and remembered. It is a celebration of Life itself. Ah, life is so beautifully, intensely, gloriously, and magnificently alive! What a delicious feeling that is! Wishing you blessed and light-filled days in your world!

EFT Script: Releasing the Limiting Belief " I Have to Struggle or Fail Financially."

(This EFT script assumes that you already have a working knowledge of EFT. If you are not familiar with EFT, you can find a brief introduction to this powerful self-healing technique in my " EFT Tapping Points " webpage. For information regarding EFT trainings, you can visit , , or ) Here's an EFT script to help you release the pattern of struggling financially, or have challenges on getting your finances on a healthy track. Say this statement to yourself, "I have to struggle or fail financially." Check how true it feels in your gut (not how logical it is). Give this "truth-meter" a measurement: 0 = not true at all, 10 =  most true. Make a note of it. Take a deep breath, and let's do some tapping. Ready? Tap on your Karate Chop, or rub on your Sore Spot, while saying the following setup phrases (the words are suggestion only, please feel free to change them to whatever words that

Hope Springs Eternal

In one of my recent meditations, I was reminded by Spirit that we bring the energy of hope and love onto the planet, by allowing ourselves to be happy and appreciative of our lives. Like the rain that comes in spring time, inviting seeds to grow into seedlings, our feelings of happiness and appreciation nurture the energetic seedlings of hope and wholeness for the collective consciousness. When I asked how we can best support those who are affected by the latest current events (Japan, Middle East, etc.) Spirit answered, "Appreciate them."  How can our feelings of happiness and appreciation help anyone, or make any significant contribution, especially to people who live far away? At the energetic level, when we allow ourselves to be happy and feel appreciative, we feel amazing! And this beautiful, radiant energy invites everyone across the globe to rise up to that vibration as well. This life-giving energy helps others on the planet permit themselves to hope and love d


Recently, I came across this limiting belief that is fascinating to me. It's about being exposed. But not about hiding some inside flaw from being found out by others. It is about keeping the information that we are loved from being exposed even to ourselves. The belief I came across was along the line of "if we even try to remember we are loved, we are not safe." It blew my mind when I finally understood the full grasp of this thought pattern! Ever felt like a fake? Well, duh, it made sense to me how we could feel that way especially when we don't allow ourselves to remember, let alone, know and embody our own deepest truths. Incidentally, I was realizing that remembering something is a kind of like exposing what was once hidden in our mind, isn't it? What was buried, hidden or lost in the deep folds of our psyche is now in clear view again. So, how does this belief manifest as a limitation in our lives? It can show up as: Feeling unsafe and vulnerable

Soul Nourishing Practices

We nourish our body with healthy food (hopefully!). You know the feeling of contentment when your belly is full with good and tasty food? How about nourishing our soul, too? When we nourish our souls, we feel great, fulfilled, happy, alive, vital, eager, energized and inspired. Here are some of my practices for nourishing my spirit and cultivating my connection with Love: Spend some time, either quietly or loudly, appreciating your life, your home, your work, your clients/friends/coworkers, your family, your health, and yourself. You can do this when you just wake up or when you are about to go to bed.  You can also do a Gratitude Walk, as you walk in nature or out doing your exercises, you can appreciate what you notice along the way. You can create a Gratitude List or even a Gratitude Journal, where you write down all that you are grateful for in your life. This is a great resource to look at to help you resonate again with joy. Think of something that brings a smile on yo

Oh, How Sweet It Is to be Love...

(This article was first published in the February 2008 Metta Center Newsletter.) It is interesting for me to observe that the more I appreciate, adore and accept all of life, the sweeter I find life and the more loved I feel. Of course, it feels so counter-intuitive to feel loved when I am the one doing the loving.  But, here in lies the wisdom of love - when you give it freely, without expecting anything in return, you receive it in return. I believe that when we love, we feel good inside because we are in complete harmony and integrity with who we truly are, Love itself. I enjoy being Love and allowing love to flow through me, or should I say more accurately, allowing myself to flow with the energy of my Source, the Love within me. Sometimes, it feels like my stomach and chest is being tickled with mirth and laughter. So much joy, love and wonder flow through me. I feel expansive, clear, peaceful, safe, powerful, free, playful, soft, happy, compassionate and kind, all at the sam


by John O'Donohue May the light of your soul guide you. May the light of your soul bless the work You do with the secret love and warmth of your heart. May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul. May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those Who work with you and to those who see and receive your work. May your work never weary you. May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement. May you be present in what you do. May you never become lost in the bland absences. May the day never burden you. May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, Possibilities and promises. May evening find you gracious and fulfilled. May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected. May your soul calm, console and renew you

Spiritual Practice: Violet Flame Meditation

No matter how we choose to cleanse, clear, and heal our body and energy field, it is vitally important to do so regularly. Just as we have physical hygiene, it is really important to have energetic hygiene to maintain our well-being spiritually, mentally and emotionally. We live in a psychic soup. One way to clear our energy field from psychic debris that accumulate is to use Violet Flame Meditation. Violet Flame is a gift from Saint Germain to our world. It is an energy of a high vibration that transmutes all negativity within us into positive energy. I find it best if you keep an attitude of appreciation and a beginner's mind when you first do this spiritual practice so you can fully experience the subtle changes in your energy field. To do this meditation: Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and easily. Quietly, say a decree invoking the violet flame: “Divine Presence and Saint Germain, please charge Violet Flame in, through, and about m

What Enchants You

(This article was first published in the January 2006 issue of Metta Center Newsletter.) When you allow yourself to be enchanted, you are saying yes to life. Saying yes to life opens doors for opportunities and inspirations. Saying yes to life means you are in alignment with the flow of life. Saying yes to life means spending less energy resisting, thus, less pain and suffering. Saying yes to life connects you to your own spirit. You experience more ease, peace and joy. When I feel stuck or restless, I recognize this as signs that I have been in resistance. My old pattern was to grit my teeth and stick it out. “Don't give up, keep at it!” I would think to myself. It was not an option to give myself 5 minutes to pause and to do something that enchant me, whether to admire a beautiful flower, or look at the sky, or feel the breeze or listen to nature. By persistently pushing, I ended up spending a lot of energy in getting myself out of whatever it was that I was stuck in, and not

Happy New Year!

May you easily find yourself surrounded by and recall the feeling of fresh beginnings, a sense of new and wonderful possibilities coming your way, the spirit of joy, and the expectations of hopes fulfilled all year round! A dear friend has forwarded this beautiful music to me as a New Year's gift. Listening to Eric Whitacre's angelic Virtual Choir, "Lux Arumque," transported me to a heavenly realm. May this beautiful and magnificent expression of the spirit of humanity be a gift to you as well. To find out more about this amazing story of how people from all over the world has come together and made this sublime choir: . With love and blessings now and throughout the year, Christine