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Showing posts from 2012

12/12/12 Rainbow!

I saw this gigantic rainbow just shortly after 12:30pm today, 12/12/12! What a sweet messsage from the Universe!
To listen, click: Releasing Anxiety with EFT (10:26) It can be quite easy to feel anxious these days. I feel the dissonance in my energy field even when I don't read the news or watch TV anymore. I can feel the doom and gloom in my body, which is interesting for me  to notice. I know that these sorts of emotional discomfort are an invitation from Spirit to bring healing to parts of me that are still feeling anxious, and somehow still connected to a deep and unconscious limiting belief instead to my own deeper knowing of Well-Being. This is another beautiful opportunity to practice raising my vibration and re-aligning myself with my Spirit at a deeper level. This understanding inspired me to create an EFT audio recording to help all of us gently release the feelings of fear, stress and anxiety from our body and allow ourselves to feel peaceful and at ease again. I hope you find it helpful. If you are not familiar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), you can find a brief

The Absolute Joy of Giving

(This article was first published in November 2007 Metta Center email newsletter.) Yesterday, I was sitting outside in my garden. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the sun and feeling the gentle wind on my face. I heard the hummingbird calls and the songs of robins. The air was perfumed with the late-blooming roses. I decided to open my eyes, and invited my Inner Being to see the world with me. I noticed that sun felt warmer. There was joy reflected on the leaves as the sunrays bounced off them. The air smelled so sweet. I felt so alive! My heart was filled with warm, glowing feelings of joy and I loved it! I felt like jumping up and down like a kid for the sheer joy of being in love with life itself. Then I heard, "It is from this place of abundance that you can truly give what you have." I was reminded that joyful giving comes from a place of fullness, not lack. From a place filled with love, not fear. From a place of ease, not striving. From non-attachment, not fro

Thank You, Universe, for...

the sun, gentle and warm on my skin the soft wind that dances with the leaves and caresses my hair the brilliant, sparkling colors I see the blue skies of the morning, the white clouds, the turquoise sky with pink clouds at sunsets, the red trees and orange vines the vibrant green grass in November, glistening under the sun the beautiful and gentle woods with smells so sweet the songs of birds reminding me to celebrate life a life so filled with wonders and amazing gifts... Thank You.

Divine Blessings

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious." ~ Albert Einstein Several nights ago, I was out looking at the stars during my "blue time," the time in the early evening when the sun has just set and the world seems to be under water with blue hues everywhere. I love that time of the day, it feels magical and wondrous to me. During that time, as I ran my fingers along the blueness as if I could touch its essence of gentleness, I felt and heard the blessings: "All this peace, beauty and love is for you, for your family and for the world, Christine." In that moment, I felt deeply connected to a such delicious source of contentedness and I found my body tingling in ease. I said "I accept, I accept, I accept." It felt really good to allow and accept blessings. At that moment I remembered again that there is nothing but love, even if I sometimes forget. I love opening up, tapping into and allowing myself to connect to the Divin

The Lost Child Within

(This post was first published as an article in April 2008 Metta Center email newsletter.) I was outside enjoying myself, reading a book that has captivated my heart and soul. The weather was beautiful, the garden was fragrant, my family was with me playing outside. All is well. I felt peaceful and complete. Despite that slice-of-heaven moment, however, I noticed some quiet stirrings of unease and restlessness in my chest. I stopped my reading, and check inward with myself. I brought my attention to the sensations I felt on my chest, and gently waited for an inner response. "I feel lost. I don't know what to do. I have no purpose," came the answer from within me. I was aware of a feeling of confusion that accompanied the restless energy. This answer came as a surprise to me because I was very clear about what my purpose was on that day. My purpose was to be in love with life, and I was doing it so well, I thought. Because of my self-healing practice in working wit

Happiness Right Now

(This post was first published as an article in September 2008 Metta Center email newsletter. While my daughter is now 15 years old, and not 11 years old as in this story, the message of this post is still relevant today. I invite you to turn your limiting thoughts around and free yourself into your happiness!)   One of the lessons I have learned is that happiness is an inside job. Do you notice that things can be going really well, and yet you are still unhappy? Or, things might go all awry yet you are cool as a cucumber? Something Abraham-Hicks says really struck a cord with me: "Your primary work is to think, speak and do what feels good to you." I really enjoy learning the process of choosing a better feeling thought from Abraham. Similar to changing a diet where you choose a healthier food to nourish your body, learning to think a better feeling thought is choosing to hold healthier thoughts, bringing yourself back into alignment with Source. It is choosing to nour

Humility and Passion

A client let me know about this video. In my client's words: "I felt like if he can follow his passion, I can." Isn't it wonderful that inspiration can come through many channels? It is a powerful message that this humble yet talented young man is giving us: follow your passion!  

TEDx: Start With Why

 A fascinating talk!

The Rock, Stone and Sand Philosophy

(This post was first published in October 2008 Metta Center email newsletter. The original author of the story is unknown.) A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, rocks about 2" in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full? They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The students laughed. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. "Now," said the professor, "I want you to recognize that this is your life. The rocks are the important things - your family, your partner, your health, your childre

Angel Healing Tip: Clearing Other People's Energy From Your Auric Space

In relationships, we often are operating on the assumption that the emotions we are feeling are our own. However, in many cases, the emotions you felt while engaging with another person are not yours but the other person's. This is a shocking thing to discover for many people, and they are often totally unaware that emotions are shared among people. We are rarely aware of the origin of the emotion we are feeling. So much difficulty arises in relationships because we don't understand this fact. Imagine how you might be behaving because you are taking on someone else's anger as yours, for instance. Fortunately, each one of us has a Divine Presence, our Higher Self, which will act on our behalf, and this part of us have a solution to help us maintain our energy system so that we can respond from a place of clarity. To clear other's energy (thoughts and emotions) from your auric space as well as from your physical body, use the decree: "Divine Presence clear my

Miracles 'R' Us

 (This article was first published in May 2007 Metta Center email newsletter. While the birds were long gone now, the message of the article still holds true in my heart today. I invite you to consider the miracle that YOU are!) My family and I have been watching a bird making a nest on top of a beam under our eaves. We think it is the future mama bird that is making the nest. There is a red one (we think this is the papa bird) who is always nearby singing to her as she works. It has been four days now since the birds started their nest, and we've seen how the nest is built piece by piece from blades of dried grass, small twigs, dried forget-me-nots. The colors are really lovely, a little baby blue from the flowers, green from the grass and soft greys from the twigs. (I wonder if the mama bird thought of color swatches as she builts her nest!) When I see how much care she is putting into preparing and creating a home for the new lives that are coming, I feel very touched and

Spring into Magic!

"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself" ~ Zen Proverb "Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke As I started my day this morning, I was spell-bound by the brilliant display of flowers all around my home. In the Bay Area, spring has definitely sprung! Everywhere I looked, blossoms have burst in a profusion of colors: white, magenta, blue, purple, yellow, orange, red, and pink. Young grasses of verdant green dance in the soft breeze. Delicate new leaves are poking out of bare branches where they have slept through winter. I am witnessing life in its full splendor and spring regalia. So glorious, indeed! I invite you to allow yourself to get away from your desk, from the unfinished busy-ness in your day, and go out and greet spingtime with open arms and delighted eyes. Abandon your worries and obligations, and replace them with a sense of joy and ease, even for just a short

Being In Spirit

(This article was first published in April 2007 Metta Center email Newsletter.) Yesterday, I walked past sunlit blades of grass. They smelled so fresh and wholesome as my legs brushed against their blades. I watched the wind run on top of the grass, swaying the tips so gently. The verdant green blades touched me deeply, awakening a sense of wonder and awe. It felt like I was drinking from a fountain of light. I felt filled and full. I felt connected. It felt wonderful. How amazing it is to be in Spirit. In his book "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "Think of the word inspiration as meaning 'being in-Spirit.' When we're in-Spirit, we're inspired and when we're inspired, it's because we're back in-Spirit, fully awake to Spirit within us. Being inspired is an experience of joy: we feel completely connected to our Source and totally on purpose; our creative juices flow, and we bring exceptionally high energy to our d

Reinventing Self

A client of mine wanted to reinvent herself. I gave her some homework to start her process, and wanted to share the same assignment with you in case you are also in the mood to do a "self makeover." To reinvent yourself, what I found work best is if you start from listening within to your soul's guidance. That guidance can appear in many ways: Dreams Two helpful articles: Dreams that Help Us Make Important Decisions (by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ph. D.) and Dreaming the Secret Wishes of the Soul (by Robert Moss) Signs Set the intention that you will receive guidance from the Universe about your reinvention project. Then, as you go about your day, begin to pay attention to the words that catch your eye (billboards, signs on trucks, bumper stickers, t-shirt logos, posters, etc.) and whatever catches your ear (words or songs you hear on the radio, conversations with others, etc.). Notice, too, what makes you feel joyous as you involve all your five senses in the world
Love requires no practice. Love is. One cannot practice is-ness. One can, however, practice the decision to love.   ~ Emmanuel (from " Emmanuel's  Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos ")

Happy New Year!

May you enjoy deeper connections of the hearts, continued blessings of joy, delight and wonder, fulfillment of your dreams, harmonious connections with all, in joy, in peace, with ease, with love. May all beings be happy.